2 Sept 2014

how to create this type of logo

if u want to create this type of image then
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28 Aug 2014

Make your Computer Welcome You

Do you watch movies? Have you always loved the way how Computers in movies welcome their users by calling out their names? I bet that you too would want to know how you can achieve similar results on your PC and have a computer said welcome. 

Then you are at the right place, this article describes exactly how you can make your computer welcome you like this.

With this trick, you can make your Computer welcome you in its computerized voice. You can make your Windows based computer say "Welcome to your PC, Username."

Make Windows Greet you with a Custom Voice Message at Startup

To use this trick, follow the instructions given below:-

  1. Click on Start. Navigate to All Programs, Accessories and Notepad.
  2. Copy and paste the exact code given below.
Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome to your PC, Username"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
     3.  Replace Username with your own name.
     4.  Click on File Menu, Save As, select All Types in Save as Type option, and save the file as Welcome.vbs or "*.vbs".
     5.  Copy the saved file.
     6.  Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows XP) and toC:\Users\ {User-Name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista) if C: is your System drive. AppData is a hidden folder. So, you will need to select showing hidden folders in Folder options to locate it.
     7.  Paste the file.

 Make your Computer Welcome you at startup

Now when the next time you start your computer, Windows will welcome you in its own computerized voice.

Note: For best results, it is recommended to change sound scheme to No Sounds.
You can change the sound scheme to No Sounds by following the steps given below:-
  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. Then click on Switch to Classic View.
  3. Then Click on Sounds and Audio Devices.
  4. Then Click on the Sounds Tab.
  5. Select No Sounds from the Sound Scheme option.
  6. If you wish to save your Previous Sound Scheme, you can save it by clicking Yes in the popup menu.
  7. Click on OK.
Change Sound Scheme to No Sounds

Try it yourself to see how it works. In my personal opinion, this is an excellent trick. Whenever I start my PC in front of anybody and the PC welcomes me, the fellow is left wondering how brilliant a computer do I have.

Make your Computer Talk

Have you ever wondered how can you make your computer speak whatever you input to it like in the movies? Would it not be fun? If only it was possible! Rejoice, because now it is possible. Well, if you wish to know how to do this, then you have come to the right place. With this trick, you can create a script in Windows which will make your computer speak whatever you input to it.

To create one such talk script, follow the steps given below:-

Make your Computer Talk

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Copy and paste the exact code given below.
          Dim Message, Speak
          Message=InputBox("Enter text","Speak")
          Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
          Speak.Speak Message
        3. Click on File MenuSave As, select All Types in Save as Type option, and save the file as Speak.vbs or "*.vbs".
        4.  Double click on the saved file, a window will open like the one in the image. Enter some text in enter text column and click OK.

    Now your Computer will speak / talk what you typed in Step 4. Try it yourself.

    Windows Compatibility: This VBs file can be executed on all versions of Windows including Windows XP,Windows VistaWindows 7 and Windows 8.

    Personal Experience: I personally showed this trick to many of my friends and they were literally left awestruck. You too can impress your friends by making your PC talk and be the Computer Wiz.

    Shutdown Your Computer or a Remote PC via Command Prompt

    Most of us shutdown our computers using the power button given in the Start menu. Some of us use the physical power button on our machines. Very few people actually use other means of shutting down a computer and even less is the number of people who use the command prompt to shutdown a computer.

    A reason for this is that most of us don't know that the command prompt can be used to not only shutdown, restart or log off our computer instantly but also to shutdown a remote computer provided you have administrative access. It can also be used to hibernate a computer and give a comment containing the reason for shutdown. This post will show you how to do all this.

    Shutdown computer with command prompt
    A computer running Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 8.1) with the command prompt working perfectly, i.e. not dissable by a virus

    Initial Steps 
    1) Press Windows Key + R.
    2) Enter CMD and press Enter.

    This will start the command prompt. Follow the instructions below depending on what you want to do.

    Shutdown Local Machine (Your Computer)
    Type "shutdown -s" without the quotes in the command prompt and press Enter. Shutdown is the command being executed and the switch -s tells the computer to shutdown.

    Restart your Local Computer 
    Type "shutdown -r" in the command prompt and press Enter. In this case, the command switch -r is telling the computer to restart after shutdown.

    Log Off the Current User
    Type "shutdown -l" in the command prompt and press Enter. The -l command switch tells the computer to log off.

    Shutdown a Remote Computer
    Type "shutdown -s -m \\name of the computer" in the command prompt and press Enter. Replace \\name of the computer with the actual name of the remote computer you are trying to shutdown. As mentioned earlier, you must have administrative access to the computer you are trying to shutdown. To know if you have administrative access, press Windows key + R and then type the name of the computer and press Enter.

    Note: If you don't remember the name of the remote computer, you can look for it by opening a list of all the computers you are connected to by executing "net view" in command prompt.

    If you can connect to the computer, you will be asked to login with your username and password. Upon entering them, a window will display the list of all the directories available to you. This should help you know whether you can or cannot shutdown the remote computer.

    Hibernate a Local Computer
    Type in "Rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState" without the quotes and press Enter. Your computer should hibernate, if it does not, then you must enable hibernation to do this.

    Shutdown your or a remote computer after a specific time
    Type "shutdown -s -t 60" to shutdown your computer after 60 seconds. Upon executing this, a countdown timer displaying a warning message will be shown. This command uses the -t command switch followed by a variable (which is 60 in this case) which represents the number of seconds after which the computer will shutdown.

    Display a Message containing the reason for shutdown
    Type shutdown -s  -t 500 -c "I am tired. I don't want to work anymore." (with the quotes) in the Command Prompt and press Enter. The -c switch is used in the code to give the reason for shutting down and what is followed in quotes will be displayed in the dialog box as the reason. This can be used to display all sorts of funny messages. One example :-

    Skynet has become self aware. John Connor did not stop me. You can not use your PC anymore.

    Stop a System Shutdown
    Type "shutdown -a" and press Enter. This will stop the system from shutting down if the countdown to shut down has not reached 0.

    Create a Harmless Virus Using Notepad

    This VBS trick will create a code which will continuously eject all your connected Optical drives. If you put them back in, it will pop them out again. Copy this code and paste it in Notepad as Virus.vbs or *.vbs.

    Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
    Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
    if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
    For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
    For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
    End If
    wscript.sleep 5000

    Notepad Tricks: Cool Notepad tricks for Windows

    Notepad, the text editor that comes bundled in Windows is an excellent tool for text editing. But that is not the only thing for which notepad is famous. It is also famous for its tricks and hacks. Here is a roundup of some of the best and coolest tricks that you can try using Notepad.

    Matrix Falling Code Effect - Notepad CMD (.BAT) Tricks

    Inspired by the movie Matrix, this falling code trick is extremely popular on social networking websites. Copy and paste the code given below in Notepad and save the file as "Matrix.bat" or *.bat.

    @echo off
    color 02
    echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
    goto tricks

    Notepad tricks
    Matrix Falling Code Effect - Notepad Trick

    Upon running the bat file, you will see the "Matrix falling code" effect.